Your Persistence Matters
In the earlier days of I Need a Michee, it seemed that the wind was at our back, pushing us forward and smoothly we sailed forward and...

Struggles and Dinner
A few months ago Alla & I went to dinner with two good friends and we started to fondly tell stories of how we struggled in the past. It...

Work Smart & Stop Doing It Alone
If you want more things done, you gotta start doing. That used to be what I did. Just go on right ahead and start doing things. But...

Don’t Wait Until You’re Too Overwhelmed Before You Hire
This is probably one of the most memorable lessons I have when I started I Need A Michee. There was a time when Alla & I just held off...

Every Act We Do Creates Ripples
Every act we do creates ripples. Even the smallest one. The kind warm smile you give to a stranger, the hug you gave a friend, being...

When It’s Hard to Work
Sometimes, it’s hard to get up in the morning. Sometimes, it’s hard to convince yourself to work. Sometimes, you just don’t want to. ...

The Problem with Numbers and the Things You Measure
Anything that we can put a number to gets super easy to measure. So measure away we do. We measure likes, subscribers, traffic,...

When Admiration Turns to Self-Doubt
Over the past few weeks, I saw two awesome people in my newsfeed reach a new level of accomplishment. They were featured in really big...

Your Go-to Place
We all have our go-to coffee shop, restaurant, store, gym, ______ (insert your go to place here) It’s that place you go to no matter...

I Love Seeing Flying Unicorns in the Morning
Yup. You read that right and it’s true. If you use Asana, you’ll know what those unicorns are. If you don’t, Asana sends flying unicorns...