In our website, we brag that we help entrepreneurs gain their time back. And yes, we’ve been delivering on that promise.
But there we were, 2 entrepreneurs needing some time for relaxation and fun. It was after all mine and Percy’s (our jack russell terrier) birthday. So we needed a Michee.
It sounds absurd. But to quote Cathryn Lavery, “Everybody needs a Michee in their life” and well by everybody - even Michee needs a Michee.
So we put our VArmy to a test.
After almost a year of working together, we were confident enough that our team will pull through.
They were a bit nervous - which is understandable.
They would be making decisions on their own. There won’t be anyone checking on their tasks. We set up a time-frame of our availability - 3 hours in a day at most. 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour at midday and 1 hour at night. They had to figure things out without our help.
And off we went to our 4-day vacation.
So how did they do?
They were absolutely brilliant!
And we’re so thankful for their dedication, and the love they have for what we do.
For the first time, we’ve finally experienced how it feels like to have your work done without you even having to lift a finger.
Or even while you’re doing this…